Advanced Placement for Starseed Spiritual Warriors

This blog contains actual transcripts for trance and regression sessions, as Starseeds reconnect to their spirit guides and ET families. We are not a religion, there is nothing to "believe."

Welcome and Introduction

I'm Julie, I am a first generation (first wave, Blue Ray & Rainbow) Star Seed. I will be siting examples of how you know you are a Starseed, and I will demonstrate for you that you have special abilities. (See Cody transcript below). You probably have hybrid DNA, and you have many things in common with other Starseeds. This site is for ADVANCED Starseeds who are activated, awakened, and want guidance with their abilities.

Most of all, keep in mind that as a Starseed, your origin is not of Earth, so your homesickness is truly expected. But you have come to make a great sacrifice, and your very presence lifts the vibration of the planet.

I will also refer you to our Facebook page here ( with connections to other advanced Starseeds.

This blog will show and document what happens when a Starseed finds their guides (who are not from Earth.) Talk about instant ET connection! 

I'm so excited to help you awaken. Namaste, peace, love, and blessings. 
We are one in purpose.