Advanced Placement for Starseed Spiritual Warriors

This blog contains actual transcripts for trance and regression sessions, as Starseeds reconnect to their spirit guides and ET families. We are not a religion, there is nothing to "believe."

How Do I recognize an ET?

What Do ETs look like?

Terrans, who include several species of Reptilians, were already here, so technically they are not Extra Terrestrial. They are just Terrestrial...They live underground, avoid humans, and prefer to be by rivers and water. Some may be 4th dimensional and be able to shape shift and go in and out of dimensions.  ________________________________________________________
There are 52 species who have already been working with the United States government. It is a shame that we have to do disclosure ourselves, because our government will not. They have lied to us so long that we have to find out by ourselves. They are better as spreading disinformation (see our resources page).

1. They look like YOU. If you carry Mars or Venus DNA, or even Peiadian, they look like us. Those on the right come from outside of Earth but can blend and go unnoticed. Except in mannerisms! They may dress strangely, they may not know what we eat, they may speak our languages with a strange accent (or none at all), and they may not be familiar with our foods or our concepts of time.

2. They may look Pleiadian. They pass for Europeans with blue eyes, perhaps German looking. They can read you with their eyes. They can move things with their hands. They may wear utility belts and carry gadgets that send frequencies.

3. They may look Sirian. That means Greek, or Mediterranean, and they can pass for a number of cultures if they dress the part. Black or brown eyes, though the hybrids may have green eyes.

If ETs are living here long term, they may be fighting a cause. They will blend in with the locals. You may not know who is an ET. ____________________________

4. They look like Zetas. Since the Zetas have an objective, and that is hybridization to save their race, one faction is seen a lot on Earth, abducting humans for their breeding program. However, since there are 150 species of Zeta, and not all are grey in color, they object to being called "The Greys." They may be green, gray, white, brown...
 Depending on species, Zetas ("Greys") may have little or no mouth, no external ears. They may have almond shaped eyes or wrap-around very wide eyes. They may range in height between 3 and 5 feet tall.
They are telepathic, can read you, can block weapons with energy weapons. They can walk through walls by altering their vibration, and they often levitate their victims through roofs, walls, windows, or solid objects.
Abductees who are returned report their bodies buzzing, and they feel tingling or hear a high pitch before an abduction. For more on Zetas go here.


More Zeta Types
Brown Zeta from Serpo (See
 Of all the Zetas, you see, many have a hive mentality, just like bees. They are telepathic and stay connected all together. They work together, they are community minded. and they interact with lots of other kinds of ETs.
Zetas often manufacture the ships everybody else use, so you can say a certain ship belongs to one group. That is like wondering who owns a Chevy.
White Zeta
 Since Zetas were gentically engineered by Reptilians at first, there are many species for different uses.
Green Zeta

Reptilian and Zeta Mix

Gray Zeta
 Note they have different features, just as all our human species come in different colors and have different and specific racial types.
Yet another species

"Dove like" Zeta. Peaceful, non-hive mentality.

 Reptilians: They come from Draco, they may have different evolutions. They have copper-based green blood, they can shape-shift, they may be bi-gendered. They like order and heirarchy, they love military thinking, they are patriarchal and may own more than one woman. 

Some reptilians interacted with the Anunaki and with South Americans and can be seen in their records and drawings. 

Other Species

Some species related to Zetas have suction cup fingers, like the being below.

Many witnesses on ships report seeing the short stocky "Blue doctors" below.
Not to be confused with them are Arcturians, who are also blue, but are very advanced. 

Mixed crew: Insectoid beings are also called mantis or mantoids. They are often seen with other beings on craft.

Reptilians working with our government. Military photo.

 Reptilian witness drawing.