Advanced Placement for Starseed Spiritual Warriors

This blog contains actual transcripts for trance and regression sessions, as Starseeds reconnect to their spirit guides and ET families. We are not a religion, there is nothing to "believe."

Hybrids and How You Become One

The following discussion was taken from our blog for contactees and abductees here. You may find that it describes you or your abilities. The discussion is between me and an abductee nicknamed Sleeper who was taken when he was a teen.

How has being an abductee or Contactee  changed your life and your abilities?
Answer: Abductees report the following. Please help us add to the list if your skills are not yet on this list.
1-I am Telepathic now, I hear what people think or intend.
2-People seem more magnetic, so they draw others to them.
3-Hydrids have more resistance to sickness, or never get sick.
4-Better food choices...We eat healthier, crave healthier.
5-Better body awareness, take better care of self.
6-We seem to have social and cognitive changes also, but that could be because ET was teaching us, not just from implants and elevated energy. So like, you notice injustice or sexism, and you notice pollution and garbage, and shallow communication or superficial going-along with others wont do.

7-Oh, and don't forget sleep pattern changes. Look -what time is it for you right now over there? A: Here is 3: 22 AM Q: Why are you up at this time? A: I take naps Q: See what I mean about sleep pattern changes? I do that too. Less sleep, and sometimes a little nap instead. Better for the body...

8-So maybe I use my telepathy more...and like, I know when you just finished your meeting...
9-And maybe my intentions are more pure...Nice to connect when it is for the right reasons. So know WHY you are doing it. I seem clearer in my intentions.

10-Some of us have abundant energy levels.
11-We age very slowly. Like I am 55 and look 30, no gray hair.
12- Lower metabolism, lower heart rate, less stress related physical symptoms that non-hybrids suffer from (heart disease).
13-Faster self-healing and ability to heal others.
14-Empathy, telempathy (hear and feel)

In What Ways Do People Become Altered/Hybrids?

A. Genetic manipulation of your DNA by technology that opens or activates DNA, probably done on ships. Done at any age.

B. Genetic alteration of your mother's DNA before any pregnancy, which is passed to you as the result of being her offspring. This means female child was abducted.

C. In-utero manipulation of YOU so that you are born to that family but have ET's genetic upgrades.This would effect you, not your siblings. This means your mother was abducted.

D.Genetic creation of a fetus that is altered with ET DNA, then planted in a non-related female host who raises the off spring as her own. May have part of your parent DNA, part of some other abductee's DNA, with ET additions.

E. Genetic petri-dish creation of an embryo that is genetically altered, then placed in a female host who is then re-abducted, back aboard the ship, at month three. The fetus is removed and human host is not aware she was ever pregnant. Beings on ship raises the off spring as their own. This can mean multiple or lifelong host abduction and multiple (unknown to host) pregnancies that cause scaring. She may eventually keep one of them. (This explains tabloid pregnancies where woman discovers she is pregnant only one hour before giving birth, and other odd news.)

F. Human child or teen taken on ship at early age experiences surgeries, implants, devices "the size of a grain of rice" that can embed in skin and monitor blood, alter hormones, and send signals to devices on the ship tell if subject is sick, has a disease, or is in distress (fell and broke a leg, got stabbed). Other implants behind the eyeball or inside the skull near the pituitary are capable of connecting to what you see and hear and they transmit to the watchers who use the information to learn about our culture and how we interact. An implant that continuously reacts and monitors can influence production of hormones and cause human to become altered.

G. Starseed Latent DNA and RNA coding. A Starseed may already have coding that triggers the body to do what the implants would do, but it needs to be activated. They are hybrids, but nobody can tell yet. They are what we call "Sleepers."

H. Some Starseeds come wired with techniques for how to activate other Starseeds! You will see them advertise "DNA Activation." In fact Starseeds come with a host of different skills and packages. So when they are activated, all kinds of new awareness and ability begins to manifest. "Self activation" can be done for some who read about it and decide to try the techniques at home.

I. For some Starseeds there is a kind of timer that is triggered at a certain age, and they "awaken." For others, it is activated by abduction on the ships.

J. Activation by Jarring Stimuli: Merely seeing a UFO or an ET is enough of a reminder for sleepers to wake up. That catalyst reminds them of how different they really are, and it helps them question norms and reality. From that point after the trigger event, a paradigm shift occurs. So the sight of an ET on the roof for a split second is enough to alter a child and create a paradigm ship that triggers the latent DNA.

 Why Are Aliens Making Hybrids?
Keep in mind that you are already mostly ET DNA anyway. They were here before us and that have been contributing to the human gene pool for as long as we have existed on Earth. Each time they intervene, humans appear to get "smarter." Altered humans with more awareness and special training act to help humanity, to eliminate wars, to reduce pollution, to remove chemicals and toxins from food, water or air; They have higher social consciousness. In the case of way-showers, they train Starseeds, and the Starseeds help those with latent DNA upgrades to activate their own DNA, to awaken to their roles as Starseeds, so that they act to awaken sleepers.